South Park Photo Club

The South Park Photography Collective is a diverse group of San Diego-based picture-takers and artist. Photo Club, which began in 2005, meets regularly over supper to present, discuss, and adjudicate photographic interpretations of pre-selected words. The main purpose of Photo Club are to offer a regular venue to produce and present visually creative pieces, and to provide a forum to facilitate creative and artistic expression.

pesotum at yahoo dot com

August 30, 2006


confused - george

george's photo for the word "confused," which was adjudicated best in show august 30, 2006, at dean's.

August 29, 2006


confused - db

d.b.'s photo for the word "confused," which was adjudicated august 30, 2006, at dean's.

August 28, 2006


confused - dean

dean's photo for the word "confused," which was adjudicated august 30, 2006, at dean's.

August 20, 2006


temptation - d.b.

d.b.'s submission for "temptation," which was adjudicated on august 10, 2006.


temptation - jason

jason's submission for "temptation," which was adjudicated on august 10, 2006.


temptation - george

this is george zucconi's submission for "temptation," which was adjudicated on august 10, 2006. (with accompanying poem)


Shoes are as good as sex
and they last longer.
Stiletto heels are slut pumps.
You just put them on
and you find yourself
saying "Hi, sailor"
to every man that walks by.

I'm simply mad for extremities.
The rest of the body
seems so dull to me.
Backless bedroom slippers
out on the bawdy street.
Shiny, spiked black leather boots
creeping up above the knee.

Uncontrollable frenzy.
Erotic pedestal.
Fragile foundations
for willowy walking.
Without artifice in a woman
there is no mystery.

Women, they scare me.
I love that.
Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.
It's so sick.
Oh, God, I'm in heaven.

August 18, 2006


temptation - dean

dean's submission for "temptation," which was adjudicated on august 10, 2006.

August 15, 2006


temptation - rebecca

This is Rebecca's "temptation" picture, which was adjudicated on August 10, 2006.


November 2005   December 2005   January 2006   February 2006   March 2006   April 2006   May 2006   June 2006   August 2006   September 2006   October 2006  

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