South Park Photo Club

The South Park Photography Collective is a diverse group of San Diego-based picture-takers and artist. Photo Club, which began in 2005, meets regularly over supper to present, discuss, and adjudicate photographic interpretations of pre-selected words. The main purpose of Photo Club are to offer a regular venue to produce and present visually creative pieces, and to provide a forum to facilitate creative and artistic expression.

pesotum at yahoo dot com

June 22, 2006


birth - george

this is george's "birth" image, which was adjudicated on june 15, 2006

Many reclining figures with hands grasping
platelike receptacles held over
the belly, are found at Chichen Itza. It is
believed that the plates are
for the hearts of sacrifice victims. The sculpture is a vivid symbol of the inevitable cycle of life and death, each feeding on the other. Life taking nourishment from the death of life. Death consuming life to make blood for new life. This is where hearts, ripped out of chests and still beating, were placed on this belly, the part of the body from which new life swells. A terrible foreboding symbol of what eternity demands of life. - george
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