South Park Photo Club

The South Park Photography Collective is a diverse group of San Diego-based picture-takers and artist. Photo Club, which began in 2005, meets regularly over supper to present, discuss, and adjudicate photographic interpretations of pre-selected words. The main purpose of Photo Club are to offer a regular venue to produce and present visually creative pieces, and to provide a forum to facilitate creative and artistic expression.

pesotum at yahoo dot com

January 12, 2006



Perceptions of Innocence
by d.b. blas
January 11, 2006

Perception’s bionic eye sees only what it wants to see. It peers through the thickest of impenetrable walls. It watches and waits for the wind to whistle its welcome. It looks at the lavish linen of a Latin lady. It glares at gigantic, gang-infested ghettos, where grips of jalopies grit-up garages. (click comments to view the rest of this statement)

It is futile to even consider questioning the eyes of perception. To reevaluate. To refocus. To “re-see” what it has already seen. Perception’s death grip on reality is much stronger than all the senses combined.

The concept of Innocence, our subject for tonight, is based 100% on our perceptions and biases coupled with our experiences. Without evil, I ask you, would we be here tonight discussing innocence? I suggest to you tonight that we would be discussing another concept. Innocence, and our perceptions of it, is a fleeting concept. Years ago she was Sister Innocence, and now she’s trusting a pimp’s benevolence.

It’s all in my head. It’s all in your head.

For instance: take a look at any gray wall. They’re gray now, but in the past they may have been red. And perhaps the site of a horrific crime? Or what’s behind the wall of a building? The planning of the next terrorist attack?

Perceptions of innocence. Look at the eyes. What’s behind the eyes. Is it pain? Is it truly a smile?

Look at a person’s clothes. It’s masking a bruise. A mark left by a long, gone lover.

Look at the hands. The black hands of the cook are the same hands that clutched and squeezed the neck of his last victim.


Without the evils of hate there wouldn’t be the blessings of love.

A lone purse may contain the pipe bomb that pulverizes the pedestrians of a Paris sidewalk.

Our beautiful San Diego day, with skies of blue and a cloud nowhere for the eye to squint at, disguises the transmissions of child pornography patrons.

The innocent beauty of a cat is lost somewhere in the satanic screams of a freaked-out mouse.

Innocence is nothing, yet innocence is everything. Innocence cannot be captured in a single image of three boys. True innocence requires evil. True innocence requires our perceptions to guide us to it. Or away from it.

Photo clubbers: this picture isn’t what I want to show you. I want to show you this (pick up DVD). This is my true submission on my interpretation -- perception -- of innocence. Since our last meeting in December, I have come to the conclusion that it was unworthy for me to attempt to interpret innocence with a single image by itself.

Thus, I bring to you this original work which capsulizes the time I have spent pondering Innocence.

Please allow me this first time showing of: Perceptions of Innocence.

click here to view danny's submission (quicktime slideshow)
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