South Park Photo Club

The South Park Photography Collective is a diverse group of San Diego-based picture-takers and artist. Photo Club, which began in 2005, meets regularly over supper to present, discuss, and adjudicate photographic interpretations of pre-selected words. The main purpose of Photo Club are to offer a regular venue to produce and present visually creative pieces, and to provide a forum to facilitate creative and artistic expression.

pesotum at yahoo dot com

February 19, 2006


camera/electronics companies

at one time camera companies (nikon, canon, minolta) and electronics companies (sony, panasonic, samsung) were two very distinct entities. that changed in the 80's when sony released mavica, the first digital camera aimed at consumers. the camera companies, in order to survive, had to learn about supply chain management--getting stuff on the shelves of the best buys and staples of the world--because that's what the electronics company knew. camera companies typically focused on having their goods stocked in camera specialty shops and boutiques, but mavica changed that paradigm.

in an article in the technology section of the new york times, ian austen writes about the camera and electronics industries and the transformation that's been merging two once separate industries.

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