South Park Photo Club

The South Park Photography Collective is a diverse group of San Diego-based picture-takers and artist. Photo Club, which began in 2005, meets regularly over supper to present, discuss, and adjudicate photographic interpretations of pre-selected words. The main purpose of Photo Club are to offer a regular venue to produce and present visually creative pieces, and to provide a forum to facilitate creative and artistic expression.

pesotum at yahoo dot com

March 10, 2006


embarrassment - danny

embarrassment by danny (3/9/06 adjudication)

this is my picture.

first about this image: i didn't want to use the mainstream definition of "embarrassment": to feel shame due to one's shortcoming. i used "embarrassment of riches": one having unlimited resources from which to draw. what i eventually decided to focus on was the seemingly unlimited riches of corporations, and the unregulated extent to which they pursue their booty.

execution: one sunday i rode my bicycle all around san diego and shot pictures of corporate retail signage. i would use the first letter of each image to spell "embarrassment." i added three more images after the last "t" in order to balance the picture, and give a polar opposite to embarrassment of riches. all the images are duotone colored (gray being the only common color), except for the last image--the homeless person which is in black-and-white. the last image was the conceptual opposite of the other 15 images.
I don't get the wedding rings. Explain?
the rings should not have been there, on 2nd thought.
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